Monday, April 2, 2018

Regression in socialization

I took Terra to a knitting group that takes place in a meeting room at a library. It's all quiet old ladies sitting around a big table. I haven't been getting her out much lately, so I thought it would be an easy way to get her back into it. When she'd been younger, she'd done well at a knitting meetup at a yarn store, which had been bustling with activity. I was disappointed to see that this time, Terra wanted to leave the meeting room from the moment we walked in. I sat down away from the main table and cuddled with her. She settled down somewhat, but was still stress panting, tense, and oriented toward the exit. I slid off my chair and sat on the floor with her. This had a greater effect in reassuring her, and she ended up lying against my legs with her head down. She wasn't relaxed, though, and she was happy when we left. We were there for 45 minutes.

Was it because she hadn't been getting out as much during January and February, other than hiking? Was it because this was an enclosed space with only one exit? Because it was too many people at once, even if they were all quiet, sitting ladies? Because her shoulders were bothering her and she was in pain, and that lowered her tolerance? Because she's going through an adolescent fear period? All of these things together, or some, or none?

Who knows? The point of socialization is to have repeated positive experiences that build the dog's confidence, and protect them as needed. It's better for me to keep her out of these situations than to have her repeatedly experiencing them and hating them. So we'll continue playing, learning, and walking and hiking in open spaces until she shows me that she's ready for more.

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