Sunday, April 15, 2018

Fear period?, training with others

I invited other local FDSA students to come over for a group training session. Two were able to make it - both women with large dogs (Beauceron and Dutch Shepherd). In the recent past, Terra has been quick to approach and befriend women who visit. She was scared of all strangers as a puppy, but learned through experience that female visitors to the farm are great. (She has also improved with men but it's still somewhat of a gamble.) This time she approached them but immediately withdrew when they moved at all, even when they weren't reaching for her. One of the women sat down in a chair and let Terra take her time sniffing, then she was comfortable. The other woman just gave her space. I'm thinking now that Terra is experiencing an adolescent fear period.

With the large dogs, her behavior was typical - she wanted to sniff them but was intimidated by their size.

After the initial excitement died down, I did a teeny bit of training with Terra. She was able to sit, shake, do a hand touch, and place one front foot on her platform target. I tried to get her to place the other foot as well, but she was done at that point. She got some more cuddles and food scatters, then I put her away so I could work with Cai.

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